Google's productivity apps have received two small updates today, one specifically for paid customers of Google Apps, the enterprise-grade version of Google's online productivity suite for those who want to use Google products with their own domain, and the other for all users of the products. Let's take a look.
First off, a couple products which tend to fall under the "Docs" brand have received a new UI button (pictured above) for all users which makes it clearer want kind of access you have to a document you're viewing, and easier to request greater access. If you're viewing a spreadsheet and have only been granted the ability to view it but not edit or add comments, for example, you'll see a blue button which says "View only." Clicking the downward facing arrow reveals the option to request greater access, in this case the ability to edit. Viewers with the ability to comment will see a similar button in the color green. The blue "View only" button will appear across Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Drawings, while the "Comment only" button will only appear across Slides, Sheets, and Drawings.
The second minor change up on the block is specifically for Apps administrators, and alerts company employees to when a document they've shared with someone cannot be viewed by that person for one reason or another. Oftentimes to prevent sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands, Google Apps administrators will restrict their employees from sharing files with any user of Google's apps other than those on the same domain (i.e. This is what it may look like if you attempt to share a document with someone outside your corporation and sharing outside your own domain is disabled:

More information on both updates is available on the Google Apps Updates blog, here for the new Docs UI buttons, and here for the new invalid sharing settings alerts.